About Travel Island
Unique and unforgettable experiences in Cape Verde
Travel Island is an online platform that aims to make known the services and tourist activities that visitors and lovers of the islands of Cape Verde will have the opportunity to do during their travels.
The platform highlights the various areas of activity and service, from the typical foods of the islands, water activities, island tours, the best places to see the sunrise and sunset, the festive seasons during the year, the points considered most incredible of the islands and among others.
platform's objective is to give greater visibility to Cape Verde, both internationally and nationally, bringing people closer to knowing more about the culture and the paradise that is the country and facilitating access to different services and activities. And, with that, boost the country's domestic tourism.
The Travel Island platform also has a Gallery where you can access various photos related to the culture and paradise that are the islands of Cape Verde. It also has a Contacts area where, in addition to having access to the platform's social networks, you will also have access to a form where you can contact us to find out more about our platform and the islands of Cape Verde.